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A member registered Sep 08, 2018

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go to sleep for enough days so that you can skip rent day :)

I know that you can buy a shower to improve your singing, but is there anything you can do to improve your characterization/technique besides doing extra VA lessons?

I don't know if maybe I'm on an old version or something, but the levels needed for each voice acting job suddenly jumped by almost 100 right after the summer break or whatever and now I can't get any jobs. Has this been fixed in recent updates, or do I just suck at this game???

Hi! I'm not sure if this counts as a bug or not, but I just wanted to let you know that every time after I make a move (ex. touching his arm or buying him drinks) his "emotion" always defaults back to sad until I make another move.

(I haven't read all of the comments so maybe someone has already said this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  )

it’s being released on October 4th??!!!?!? heck yeah